Guerrilla Marketing Warfare Strategies

Businesses with small budgets and big goals find guerrilla marketing tactics give them a way to compete with larger companies. The idea behind guerrilla marketing strategies is that smart, creative tactics can increase sales without putting lots of money behind ineffective marketing campaigns. The term “guerrilla marketing” was formally developed by Jan Conrad Levinson, a marketing expert who described the tactics as an alternative to traditional advertising methods.

Social Media

One of the most powerful guerrilla marketing strategies available today focuses on the effective use of online social media tools. Social networking tools range from writing a blog that focuses on your products and services to providing engaging content and interaction on Facebook and Twitter. Persuading readers to share the information with their friends, families and business associates is the goal of a social media campaign. No matter what social networking tactic you choose, providing posts and entries helps convince the buyer that you offer the solution to his problem and encourages him to share the information with other like-minded people.


Providing an entertaining retail experience is a guerilla marketing concept known as “entertailing.” For brick and mortar shops, entertailing helps customers learn about your offerings while engaging as many of the five senses as possible. These strategies help make the store stimulating and exciting so your customers want to come. They also start telling others about their experience so you generate more traffic. Online retailers that want to engage in entertailing find chat rooms, forums and virtual reality experiences help them create an entertaining website to which prospects keep returning until they’re ready to buy.

Outstanding Customer Service

Another important guerrilla marketing strategy focuses on making the customer service experience so memorable that clients keep coming back while also referring people to you. Providing excellent customer service keeps dissatisfied customers from telling everyone they know about their experience and, in effect, persuading potential customers to stay away. This guerrilla marketing strategy requires constantly training your staff to clearly understand your customer’s problems, needs and preferences. Add in a fast response time and consistent, respectful treatment of all customers, and your customers will start sharing their experience with others who want the same level of service.

Developing a USP

Creating a unique selling proposition, or USP, helps identify what makes your product or service different than you competitors’. Once you know the answer, use that information to inform prospects about what makes your company’s offerings the best choice. Your USP may be based on saving time or money, making people’s lives easier or making them feel better. Intangible benefits such as safety and status may also play a role in your USP. Once you’ve developed a list of facts and benefits for your USP, constantly share this information with customers so they start tuning into your product or service and start telling others about it, too.